Spatial Effects of Policies: US cases med Maureen Kilkenny
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Velkommen til seminaret Spatial Effects of Policies: US cases med Maureen Kilkenny, USA hos Bygdeforskning mandag 03.02.2014.
Et av Kilkennys spesialområder er å analysere effekter av regionalt differensiert politikk, og i dette foredraget får vi høre mer om metoder for denne typen studier.
Om Maureen:
Maureen Kilkenny is a highly-cited general equilibrium modeller of the economic linkages and processes between and within multiple heterogeneous sub national regions of open economies. She is adept at writing both heuristic models and simulation models calibrated to detailed data for policy analysis. Another unique aspect of her expertise is the ability to model the sources or reasons for market failures-resource immobility, externalities, fixed costs and other barriers to entry, market power, and other indivisibilities – that lead citizens to seek nonmarket (policy) solutions in the first place.
Maureen Kilkenny is currently:
– Senior Fellow, National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy (NCFAP), Washington, D.C.
– Honorary Professor, School of Management & Business, Aberystwth University of Wales,
– CiRCLE International Advisory Group, Lund University