Foto: Nofence
Contest: We are looking for farmers, foresters and agri-food initiatives with a success story to share!
The LIAISON project is launching a contest with the aim of seeking-out innovative, inspiring and ground-breaking initiatives from within farming, forestry and the agri-food supply chain. We are particularly interested in partnerships that bring together diverse expertise from collaborating partners with different backgrounds.
Times are changing! All across Europe the agricultural, forestry and the agri‐food sectors are facing major social, economic and environmental challenges – as well as unprecedented opportunities. Rural innovation is currently one of the hottest topics of discussion from farmhouse kitchen tables to the European Commission offices in Brussels.
Rural innovation is not just about the one‐way, top‐down transfer of new products and processes from science into practice. Rural innovation is about co‐creat
ion! It’s about farmers/foresters, advisors, researchers and others work working together in partnership to find solutions to real‐life needs, challenges and opportunities. Successful partnerships for rural innovation have the ability to identify needs, to capture new ideas and to nurture them. They have the capacity to organise themselves, to create something new, to test it and to turn it into something with real practical application.
We want to find and reward the best examples of such partnerships!
The LIAISON project is launching a contest with the aim of seeking‐out innovative, inspiring and ground‐breaking initiatives from within farming, forestry and the agri‐food supply chain. We are particularly interested in partnerships that bring together diverse expertise from collaborating partners with different backgrounds. The partnerships may be formal, for example a project partnership of fixed duration or maybe an association or similar structure. Or they may be informal, such as a local network or some other
form of voluntary collaboration. Whether it be a farmers’ co‐op, a local food hub or a rural
conservation initiative, we are reaching out to promote their hard work and innovative ideas.
A jury of experts will select 15 Rural Innovation Ambassadors to receive international recognition, networking opportunities, personalised promotional material to
use for future engagement and the invitation to join a prestigious awards ceremony in Autumn 2019.
The contest launches on Thursday 24th January 2019 and will be open for entries until Friday 15th March 2019.
To enter LIAISON’s EU Rural Innovation Contest visit: www.liaison2020.eu/euric
[button text=”Norwegian entry form” link=”https://no.surveymonkey.com/r/DFZ2MZG”]
For further information on the contest, please refer to contact details on individual nations
webpages via www.liaison2020.eu/euric
About Liaison
LIAISON is a research and innovation project in the field of socio‐economics in a
griculture and forestry. It has a strong foundation and orientation in and towards sustainable farming and forestry. The aim is to support and connect
people who are responsible for the implementation of the EIP‐AGRI policy concept in different countries, by enhancing the exchange of experiences, helping build
alliances and give farmers and foresters a strong voice in the policy field of innovation projects.
Follow LIAISON on Twitter for up to date contest information:
@liaison2020 #EURIC19
This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 773418.