Business development and bioeconomy
Good business development in rural areas requires the development and use of research-based knowledge. We research business development in district industries such as agriculture and forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, travel and tourism, use of outfield and the coastal zone.
In our research, we examine, among other things, the importance of the interaction between resource base, market, regulations and socio-cultural mechanisms. We research how new technology is used and how this affects business practice, and examine the living conditions and quality of life of business people and the local population.
Research areas within Business development and bioeconomy
Research managers

Gunn-Turid Kvam Research Manager/Senior Researcher +47 412 11 814 gunn.turid.kvam@ruralis.no
Latest about Business development and bioeconomy

The Sámi National Day, February 6.

Business Development
Sustainable Eaters – Consumers in a sustainable Norwegian food system

Business Development
LANDWELL: Climate-induced welfare impacts of ecosystem goods and services from agricultural and seminatural landscapes in Norway

Business Development
Creating, Optimizing and Planning Positive EneRgy districts: connecting citizens’ energy at different geographical levels

Climate measures
One in three farmers wants climate advice

Agriculture is becoming increasingly complex: Improved advice can be part of the solution