Pilot project on timber products in procurement

This improvement measure will present a "menu of measures" to promote locally based value chains around timber products through public procurement processes in Trondheim municipality.

Foto; Colourbox
wooden wall and blue sky

The activity will have a particular focus on smaller procurement processes (<20MNOK), based on a hypothesis that these have the greatest potential for increased involvement of local actors. A steering group will meet monthly throughout the project to be kept up to date and provide input on the planning, implementation and evaluation of each activity: a desktop study, participation at selected industry events, and semi-structured interviews. The project will deliver a final report and also be presented at the Trondheim wood city festival on 21-22 June 2022.

Project details

Project number


Project period

01/12/2021 - 22/06/2022

Collaboration partners

Viken fylkeskommune, Green Advisers, Växjö kommun


Trondheim municipality, Kystskogbruket (Coastal Forestry Association)


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