Exploration of product development in food supply chains. WP in GOFOOD (Governing food in a globalising environment: Innovation and market strategies in Norwegian food supply chains). – Produktutvikling og kvalitetsdifferensiering i verdikjeder for mat (arbeidspakke C2 i GOFOOD: Matstyring i globaliserende omgivelser: Innovasjon og markedsstrategier i norske verdikjeder )

This WP C2 will focus on three research problems: 1. What factors can be identified as significant in the interaction between the food industry, retailers and R&D in processes of product development? 2. How do different groups in the food supply chain understand types of differentiated food, and what consequences follow from their (differing) understandings of innovation forms? 3. How are understandings of customers’ preferences of qualities of food established among different groups in the food supply chain?

Project details

Contact persons

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Project number


Project period

01/01/2010 - 31/12/2014

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