Let’s talk about animal welfare

DyrePrat's main goal is to start a public conversation about animal welfare in Trøndelag across livestock farmers agriculture and pet owners.

Foto: Colourbox
Foto: Colourbox

It includes to increase knowledge and awareness of animal welfare.

In 2024, Ruralis will conduct a survey among livestock farmers in the county. We expect that most animal keepers have a high level of knowledge when it comes to animal health and animal welfare. At the same time, the knowledge base regarding animal health and animal welfare is constantly developing, and changes in animal welfare regulations are partly based on new knowledge. How good is the flow of information from the scientific groups within animal health and animal welfare, and out to livestock farmers? Although we expect a high level of knowledge, it will be interesting to investigate how well farmers are updated on the latest knowledge available in Norway on animal welfare and animal health.

Trøndelag Bondelag will be responsible for carrying out a similar survey among groups of pet owners, outside agriculture, in Trøndelag.

Project details

Contact persons

Project leaders

Subject areas

Project number


Project period

01/06/2023 - 20/12/2024

Collaboration partners

Trøndelag Bondelag https://www.dyreprat.no/


Trøndelag Bondelag har fått midler fra følgende kilder: Trøndelag Fylkeskommune (regionale utviklingsmidler), Norges Bondelag, Gjensidige, Norges Vel, Midt-Norsk Landbruksråd, Sparebank SMN, Trøndelag Melkesentrals Stiftelse

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