LIAISON Workshop
25. april kl. 11:00 - 13:00
Prosjektet LIAISON – Bedre rural innovasjon: Knytte aktører, verktøy, politikk gjennom nettverk arrangerer en åpen workshop mandag 25. april 2022. Workshopen foregår på engelsk.
Ruralis – Regional Institute for Rural Research and the LIAISON project are happy to invite you to FORESTRY AND RURAL INNOVATION
Online workshop presenting results and experiences from
LIAISON- Better Rural Innovation: Linking Actors, Instruments and Policies through Networks (EU H2020 project)
Monday 25. April 11.00-12.30 (13.00) CEST
11.00 – 12.30
- Welcome! The LIAISON project on network based rural innovation and the Nordic forestry perspective – Katrina Rønningen, Ruralis
- Learning from practitioners to improve interactive innovation. Susanne von Münchhausen, project coordinator
- Strategic funding of communities of practice to achieve policy goals: The examples of multi-actor innovation projects in the forestry sector in Europe. Robert Home FiBL (+ Rita M. Sivertsvik, Gunn Turid Kvam and Katrina Rønningen, Ruralis)
- Some aspects of innovation in “the high end” of the forestry value chain. Katrina Rønningen, Ruralis
- Short break
- Questions, comments
- Discussion: We would like to start out with these topics:
- What are main experiences related to innovation processes and innovation itself in the different parts of the value chain? Both for agriculture and the forestry sector and bioeconomy linked industries in general.
- What significance do ArenaSkog, Skogskollo, Inno4Woood and other innovation projects actually have for the development within forestry related industries and for rural areas?
- Role of ownership, scale, structural changes
- Commentary by invited experts and stakeholders
Finish 12.30
Short break, then we continue until 13.00 with discussions in the Scandinavian languages.