Investigation of forest owner-oriented outreach activities

Foto: Ruralis
Foto: Ruralis

A summary shall be made of what has been done of forest owner-oriented outreach activities in the coastal areas and experiences from such work in the coastal forestry. The data are documents Centre for Rural Research receives from the actors in the coastal forestry, and what Follo (CRR) already knows about the issue based on several earlier research projects. The results will be presented in a documentation report on maximum 20 pages. The report will present the summary, measure suggestions, different ways to reach the forest owner, and recommendations for further action.

Project details

Project period

15/10/2017 - 31/12/2017

Collaboration partners

Arena Skog and Skognæringa Kyst


Kystskogmidlene and Sør-Trøndelag Fylkeskommune

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