
Employees / Researchers / Reidar Almås

Reidar Almås

Emeritus - Dr.philos. (Sociology)

Reidar Almås holds a Master of Science in sociology from the University of Bergen (1973) and a doctorate (dr.philos.) from the University of Trondheim (1980). He established the Centre for Rural Research (now RURALIS – Institute for Rural and Regional Research) at the University of Trondheim in 1982, and was the Centre’s Director until September 2007. Almås has been a professor of Rural Sociology in the Department of Sociology and Political Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) since 1986. He has published several books in Norwegian, and two in English: Norwegian Agricultural history (ed.),; and together with Geoffrey Lawrence (eds.), Globalisation, Localisation and Sustainable Livelihoods.