
Employees / Researchers / Sarah Khasalamwa-Mwandha

Sarah Khasalamwa-Mwandha

Researcher, PhD (part-time position) - PhD (Geography)

Sarah Khasalamwa-Mwandha completed her PhD in Geography “Spaces of Recovery:  An exploration of the Complexities of Post war/disaster Recovery in Uganda and Sri Lanka” at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Her thesis analyses the role of different actors involved in humanitarian, reconstruction and recovery work. Specifically, it highlights  the different kinds of knowledge in the conflict/post-disaster settings and how they can be understood and integrated as well as how voices of affected people could be heard and inform post-war/disaster development  processes and practices.

Her research interests cover a broad spectrum of issues pertaining to development and humanitarian practice:

  • Disaster Management- Response, Reconstruction and Recovery
  • Postwar recovery and community development- Processes, Prospects and Dilemmas
  • Forced Migration- Processes of Return, Integration and Resettlement of refugees and IDPs
  • Refugee livelihoods and welfare
  • Humanitarian Policy and practice

She has also worked as Associate Professor at NTNU, responsible for the Masters Course on Migration and Development and the North-south relations. She has experience as a development practitioner having worked with NGOs and donor agencies in Uganda.