Huge amounts of water flowing in the river near the Hunderfossen hydroelectric power station in Norway.
Vannkraft-Norge produserer mer fornybar energi enn vi forbruker. Samtidig har vi forpliktet oss overfor EU til å øke vår produksjon av fornybar energi.Foto: Colourbox

Climate and Resource Management

Climate change, energy production and biodiversity enhancement are all key challenges that will leave their mark on rural communities and management of uncultivated resources for a long time to come.

Justifiable management of climate and natural resources requires the development and use of research-based knowledge. We conduct research on processes related to the introduction of climate measures and the consequences of climate management. Developing knowledge about sustainable management and use and protection is also an important part of our research in this field. This research includes how resource management affects and is affected by climate challenges, the emerging bioeconomy, the green shift, energy production, as well as changing attitudes towards nature and outfield resources.

Research areas within Climate and Resource Management
Research managers
Maja Farstad

Maja Farstad Research Manager/Senior Researcher +47 918 23 469

Latest about Climate and Resource Management