Manure gases and the risk for accidents in Norwegian agriculture
The agricultures commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has led to significant changes in the handling of livestock manure in recent years.
This is evident through the introduction of new spreading methods, changes in when to spread the manure, transportation of manure products to and from biogas plants, and uncertainty regarding how the return of bio-residue affects gas production in fresh livestock manure.
Due to the danger potential associated with manure gases, significant underreporting, and lack of knowledge sharing between the industry and relevant safety authorities, the project aims to reduce the risk of accidents related to the handling of livestock manure and bio-residue. The project is delimited to address the gases ammonia, methane, and hydrogen sulfide.
In a collaboration between Department of Occupational Medicine at St. Olav’s, Ruralis, and a network consisting of, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet), the Norwegian Food Foundation (Stiftelsen Norsk Mat), Farmers’ Union (Trøndelag Bondelag), the Norwegian Agricultural Advisory Service (NLR), and the Norwegian Agriculture Agency (Landbruksdirektoratet), the project will:
- Map the occurrence of accidents involving manure gas and increase knowledge about factors associated with low or high accident risk in handling manure products.
- Invite relevant stakeholders to identify the most important prevention measures.
- Utilize this foundation to develop a learning program aimed at those handling feed and manure products in their daily work.
When the project is finalised, the learning program shall be accessible to contribute to further knowledge sharing about the risk and prevention of manure gas accidents.
Project details
Subject areas
Project number
Project period
01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024
Collaboration partners
Arbeidsmedisinsk avdeling ved St.Olavs Hospital (ekstern prosjektleder)
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