AgriLink. Agricultural Knowledge: Linking farmers, advisors and researchers to boost innovation
AgriLink aims to stimulate sustainability transitions in European agriculture through better understanding the roles played by farm advice in farmer decision-making.

AgriLink is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The project aims to help stimulate the transition towards more sustainable agriculture by improving understanding of the role played by agricultural advisors in strengthening knowledge flows, enhancing learning and boosting of innovation on the wide variety of different farm types that exist in Europe.
AgriLink is running for 4 years from 2017 to 2021. It is implemented by a diverse consortium of academic and non-academic partners that cuts across classical boundaries in research, policy and practice.
AgriLink is an excellent example of how EU-funded scientific research works in practical ways to help farmers put food on our tables whilst maintaining and protecting the natural resources we all depend upon.
AgriLink is implemented in Norway by RURALIS – Institute for Rural and Regional Research.
More info on the official website:
Here is the project presentation by EC:
More detailed information:
To this end, AgriLink will analyse and improve the role of farmer advice in 8 innovation areas that combine challenges identified in the “Strategic Approach to EU Agricultural Research & Innovation”. AgriLink builds on the premise that the full range of advice-providing organisations need to be included in the assessment of service provision and innovation adoption.
The methodology combines theoretical insights with cutting edge research methods within a multi-actor, transdisciplinary approach. It draws on ‘micro-AKIS’ (individuals and organisations from whom farmers seek services and exchange knowledge with) analysis in 26 focus regions, sociotechnical scenario development and ‘living laboratories’ where farmers, advisors and researchers work together. Research in focus regions will provide insight in farmers’ micro-AKIS, advisory suppliers’ business models, and regional farm advisory systems. This will feed an assessment of the efficacy of governance of farm-advice-research interactions across Europe. Newly developed advisory methods and new forms of research-practice interaction will be validated and further developed in Living Laboratories. A socio-technical scenario method will be used to explore, jointly with stakeholders, transition pathways towards more sustainable agriculture.
Crucially, AgriLink builds on insights and experiences from both research and practice. The consortium consists of researchers from different disciplines (institutional economics, innovation studies, AKIS studies, sociology of networks), as well as of advisors (from public, private and farmer-based organisations) from across the EU. Actors from advisory services will be active in the validation and dissemination of results, to ensure that all project findings are both scientifically sound and practically useful.
Project details
Contact persons
External project coordinator
Subject areas
Project number
Project period
01/06/2017 - 30/11/2021
Collaboration partners
Participants from Norway are CRR as a research partner, while TINE, Landbruk21 Trøndelag and County Governor of Sør-Trøndelag joins as user partners.
Horizon 2020, EU.
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