CAPTURE+: bærekraftige biokullsystemer for et nullutslippsamfunn

Biokull Foto: Capture+ prosjektet

Biochar is a type of charcoal produced from biomass for the purpose of storing carbon and improve soil quality. Biochar can sequester significant amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere and store it as stable carbon in the soil. Thus, it could present an important measure for climate mitigation in Norway. The interdisciplinary project Capture + aims to radically improve the pyrolysis process used to produce biochar through the use of biotechnology and nanotechnology. Great emphasis is on integrating economic, social and political factors in the technology development to ensure social acceptance and efficient introduction of biochar in forestry and the agricultural sector in Norway.

The main goal of Capture + is to develop biochar as a measure to achieve a zero-emission society, through an interdisciplinary approach in the development, analysis and implementation of biochar in agriculture and forestry.

Secondary objectives:

  • Improving the technical, economic, political and social factors that limit the implementation of biochar in Norwegian agriculture and forestry
  • To increase the value of biochar / bio-oil through process improvements based on biotechnology and nanotechnology
  • Develop scenarios of how biochar can be sustainable in Norway
  • Establish a platform that demonstrate integrated solutions for biochar technologies
  • Ensuring the quality of biochar for carbon sequestration and soil improvements
  • Engage stakeholders in the implementation cycle of biochar
  • Increase awareness of biochar potential as a low cost technology for carbon storage




08/04/2014 - 08/04/2017

Eksternt Prosjektnr.




SINTEF, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Det Norske Veritas (DNV GL)


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