LIAISON Better Rural Innovation: Linking Actors, Instruments and Policies through Networks
Ruralis is a partner in the LIAISON project, running from 2018 to 2022.
The aim is to contribute to researching and improving the various interactive innovation and multi-actor projects which are increasingly implemented across Europe to speed-up rural innovation and contribute to more productive, competitive and sustainable agriculture, forestry, the bioeconomy and rural districts.
Liaison aims to make a significant and meaningful contribution to optimising interactive innovation project approaches and the delivery of EU – and beyond EU – policies to speed up innovation in agriculture, forestry, the bioeconomy and rural areas. Researchers, policy advisors, actors from interactive innovation projects, initiatives and networks, farm/forestry advisors, decision-makers and administrators will jointly investigate the design and implementation of interactive innovation project approaches.
Central in the project are a ‘light-touch’ review of the experiences in a large number of projects and initiatives, and an in-depth assessment of 30-35 interactive innovation project approaches.
LIAISON will focus on the interplay between the diverse actors, frameworks and policy levels (international, regional, local) of the innovation system.
In order to support this process we are setting-up four macro-regional Expert Stakeholder Groups in which we will bring together diverse groups of experts from neighbouring countries to share their views, experiences and knowledge on the various aspects of fostering rural innovation.
Ruralis is responsible for the Nordic-Baltic “macro-region”; Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, and 16 expert stakeholders from these eight countries will take part. The first meeting will be held in Stockholm 20th of November 2018.
Hochschule für Nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, HNEE, Germany) is projecy coordinator. Partners: Stichting Groep van Brugge (Nederland), Highclere Consulting SRL (Romania), Boerenbondvereniging voor Projecten vzw (Belgium), Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge (Bulgaria), Institute de l’evelage (Frankrike),TEAGASC – Agriculture and Food Development Authority (Ireland), Ruralis – Institutt for rural- og regionalforskning (Norway), Centrum Doradztwa Rolniczego w Brwinowie (Poland), Forschungsinstitut für Biologischen Landbau Stiftung (Switzerland), Universidade de Evora (Portugal), Universita di Pisa (Italiy, The Soil AssociatiOn, UK), Agrárgazdasági Kutató Intézet (Hungary), The University of Exeter (UK), Eigen Vermogen van the Instituut voor Landbouw en Visserijonderzoek (Belgia), Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain).