
Employees / Researchers / Anne Margrethe (Maggi) Brigham (contract completed November 2023)

Anne Margrethe (Maggi) Brigham (contract completed November 2023)

Senior Researcher - Dr. polit.

Anne Margrethe (Maggi) Brigham, holds a PhD in political science from the Norwegian University of Sceince and Technology (NTNU). Her PhD thesis is a cross-disciplinary study within Political Science and Economics of the relationship between agrarian structure, agricultural development, and food insecurity in Low-Income Countries. She also has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and administration.

Brigham has research experience from academia, commissioned research, and the NGO-sector. Her research focusses on:

  1. The relationship between agrarian structure and food and nutrition security,
  2. Nutrition-based food value chains in Low-Income Countries;
  3. The effect of food exports on food and nutrition security in Low-Income Countries;
  4. Health systems research in Norway and internationally (China),
  5. Mental health and suicide among farmers in Norway and India, and
  6. Evaluations.

Brigham has experience in leading international and cross-disciplinary teams from her time as a Norwegian diplomat in Bangladesh, and from facilitating the masters course “Experts in Team” at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).