Landskap i Norge Foto: Colourbox

Landscape and nature

Climate and Resource Management / Landscape and nature

Latest about Landscape and nature


Grassland conservation across European landscapes protecting biodiversity and ecosystem services with ecological networks

Business development and bioeconomy

A-15/23 Landscape Democracy and the Implementation of Renewable Energy Facilities

Vindpark på Fosen Foto: Henrikke Sæthre Ellingsen

National Day in the Shadow of Fosen

Climate management and measures

N-7/22 Demokratiske planleggingsprosesser for fornybare energisystemer i Norge – en oversikt over identifiserte samfunnstiltak


A-11/21 The promised land? Exploring the future visions and narrative silences of cellular agriculture in news and industry media

Landscape and nature

A-12/18 The beat of the mountain: a transdisciplinary rhythmanalysis of temporal landscapes


R-1/19 Bønders opplevelse av spredte jordbruksarealer. Resultater fra en spørreundersøkelse


A-7/18 Farmland conversion to fight climate change? Resource hierarchies, discursive power and ulterior motives in land use politics

Climate and Resource Management

R-3/18 Lokalbefolkningen rundt Dovrefjell og Sunndalsfjella – Betydningen av fjellet og holdninger til forvaltningen

Pixelated EU
Agriculture and business development

SALSA: Small Farms, Small Food Businesses and Sustainable Food Security


(Recruit) Recruitment as a condition for value creation – impacts of fisheries restructuring and internationalization on fisheries employment networks


CAPTURE+: Sustainable biochar systems for a zero emission society – CAPTURE+: bærekraftige biokullsystemer for et nullutslippsamfunn