Farm subsidies and the achievement of political goals for the agricultural sector

Foto: Colourbox
Foto: Colourbox

Agriculture is a sector where policy goals and measures are critical for the development of the sector. In Norwegian agriculture, the subsidies targeted to the farmers by the parliament are among the most important policy measures to reach policy goals for the agricultural sector.

This project will explore to which extend changes in the subsidies contributes in reaching the goals for the agricultural sector. There are four work packages in the project.

  1. Analyse the changing use of subsidies according to geography, productions, farms size based on data on production and subsidies to the individual farmers
  2. Analyse the farmers attitudes and adaptations to agricultural policy changes with the use of the biennial survey “Trends in Norwegian agriculture”
  3. Analyse the combined effect on targeted agricultural policy and general societal developments in the Norwegian political economy.
  4. An overall analysis of the subsidies contribution in achieving political goals for the agricultural sector.

The project period runs from 2016 to 2017

Project leader is Jostein Vik.


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