Animal welfare

Latest about Animal welfare

Animal welfare

Let’s talk about animal welfare

Animal welfare

R-2/23 Holdninger til økt samvær mellom ku og kalv blant norske forbrukere og meieri-og dagligvareaktører

Animal welfare

A-11/23 Interrelationships between cows, calves, and humans in cow-calf contact systems—An interview study among Norwegian dairy farmers

Animal welfare

Welfarm: Improving animal welfare regulatory compliance in dairy and pig farming

Animal welfare

A-9/23 The politics of animal welfare: A scoping review of farm animal welfare governance

Animal welfare

A-8/23 Good Animal Welfare in Norwegian Farmers’ context. Can both industrial and natural conventions be achieved in the social license to farm?

Animal welfare

A-18/22 Inducing Fear using Acoustic Stimuli – A Behavioural Experiment on Moose (Alces alces) in Sweden

Agriculture and business development

Artificial meat as a mirror of society

Animal welfare

ROAM FREE: RObust Animals in sustainable Mixed FREE-range systems

Animal welfare

CalfComfort: Nurturing positive welfare in calves

Animal welfare

R-7/21 Kostnader ved økt arealkrav for å forbedre dyrevelferd hos gris

Animal welfare

More space for pigs

Grisunger i binge
Agriculture and business development

What do we do with resistant bacteria in agriculture?

Animal welfare

NØFF – Norwegian-produced organic feed protein for pigs

Animal welfare

LIMBO: Evaluating emerging AMR threats and future capacity for action in Norwegian livestock agriculture

Melkeku og kalv
Animal welfare

SUCCEED – Sustainble systems with cow-calf-contact for higher welfare in dairy production

Animal welfare

GoodAnimal: Animal Welfare for Sustainable Futures

Animal welfare

Refined forage legumes as local sources of protein feed for monogastrics and high quality fibre feed for ruminants in organic production

Animal welfare

Endringsstudier i Snøhettaområdet 2014-2017: Villrein, ferdsel og forvaltning – Endringsstudier i Snøhettaområdet 2014-2017: Villrein, ferdsel og forvaltning

Agriculture and business development

Realisation of animal welfare goals in Norway’s food sector (ANIWEL)

Animal welfare

Animal mistreatment in agriculture – a pilot study – Dyretragedier – forprosjekt

Animal welfare

A-24/15 Omdømme, makt og mulighetsrom for berekraftig styring – om Norsk Kylling i media

Animal welfare

A-5/12 Building ‘cowshed cultures’: A cultural perspective on the promotion of stockmanship and animal welfare on dairy farms