Animal welfare

Latest about Animal welfare

Animal welfare

Let’s talk about animal welfare

Animal welfare

R-2/23 Holdninger til økt samvær mellom ku og kalv blant norske forbrukere og meieri-og dagligvareaktører

Animal welfare

A-11/23 Interrelationships between cows, calves, and humans in cow-calf contact systems—An interview study among Norwegian dairy farmers

Animal welfare

Welfarm: Improving animal welfare regulatory compliance in dairy and pig farming

Animal welfare

A-9/23 The politics of animal welfare: A scoping review of farm animal welfare governance

Animal welfare

A-8/23 Good Animal Welfare in Norwegian Farmers’ context. Can both industrial and natural conventions be achieved in the social license to farm?

Animal welfare

A-18/22 Inducing Fear using Acoustic Stimuli – A Behavioural Experiment on Moose (Alces alces) in Sweden

Agriculture and business development

Artificial meat as a mirror of society

Animal welfare

ROAM FREE: RObust Animals in sustainable Mixed FREE-range systems

Animal welfare

CalfComfort: Nurturing positive welfare in calves

Animal welfare

R-7/21 Kostnader ved økt arealkrav for å forbedre dyrevelferd hos gris

Animal welfare

More space for pigs

Grisunger i binge
Agriculture and business development

What do we do with resistant bacteria in agriculture?

Animal welfare

NØFF – Norwegian-produced organic feed protein for pigs

Animal welfare

LIMBO: Evaluating emerging AMR threats and future capacity for action in Norwegian livestock agriculture

Melkeku og kalv
Animal welfare

SUCCEED – Sustainble systems with cow-calf-contact for higher welfare in dairy production

Animal welfare

GoodAnimal: Animal Welfare for Sustainable Futures

Animal welfare

Refined forage legumes as local sources of protein feed for monogastrics and high quality fibre feed for ruminants in organic production