Latest about Climate


Grassland conservation across European landscapes protecting biodiversity and ecosystem services with ecological networks

Business development and bioeconomy

A-15/23 Landscape Democracy and the Implementation of Renewable Energy Facilities


Climate Smart Management for Resilient European Cropping Systems

Vindpark på Fosen Foto: Henrikke Sæthre Ellingsen

National Day in the Shadow of Fosen


One crop two diets – locally sourced feed for cow and chicken from biorefined forage

Kystsamfunn utenfor Ålesund

Building Resilient Blue Places? The importance of Equity and Blue Space in Assembling a Blue Economy in the context of Climate Change (BLUEPLACES)

Agriculture and business development

R-6/22 Trender i norsk landbruk 2022. Regional rapport for Møre og Romsdal


A-36/21 What makes people act climate-friendly? A decision-making path model for designing effective climate change policies


A-13/18 Norway

Agriculture and business development

R-10/18 Case studies of farm demonstration in Norway report 2: Promoting berry production in plastic tunnels

Agriculture and business development

R-9/18 Case studies of farm demonstration in Norway report 1: Promoting optimal soil culture


CAPTURE+: Sustainable biochar systems for a zero emission society – CAPTURE+: bærekraftige biokullsystemer for et nullutslippsamfunn

Agriculture and business development

BIOSMART: Managing the transition to a “smart” bioeconomy


A-8/16 Integrating Sustainable Development in Higher Education through Experience-based Learning: Insights from Experts in Team (EiT) for Developing a Combined Theoretical Framework


A-28/13 Solar cookers in developing countries – What is their key to success?

Business development and bioeconomy

A-25/13 Klimaendringer og matvaresikkerhet: Er bærekraftig intensivering løsningen?