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Health and wellbeing

Muncipal and regional development / Health and wellbeing

Latest about Health and wellbeing

Business development and bioeconomy

R-1/23 Helse, miljø og sikkerhet i landbruket. Resultater fra en spørreundersøkelse blant norske bønder i 2022

Business development and bioeconomy

R-1/23 Helse, miljø og sikkerhet i landbruket. Resultater fra en spørreundersøkelse blant norske bønder i 2022

Agriculture and business development

R-10/22 Trender i norsk landbruk 2022. En nasjonal spørreundersøkelse blant bønder i Norge

Health and wellbeing

R-3/22 Kommunetilpasset forebygging og behandling – Overvekt og fedme blant bygdebarn. Sluttrapport


Drug and addiction problems in agriculture, prevention, and treatment

Farmer in wheat field

Research will help farmers with substance abuse problems

Health and wellbeing

A-20/21 Overweight and obesity among children in rural areas: The importance of culture


A-10/21 Work demands, independence, valuationas a farmer, and mental health in farming. A study of mental health among dairy farmers and vegetable-and potato farmers in Norway


R-11/19 Mental helse blant unge bønder

Business development and bioeconomy

Mental health in agriculture


R-2/19 Bonden, familien og melkeroboten – en ny hverdag

Health and wellbeing

Kommunetilpasset forebygging og behandling – overvekt og fedme blant bygdebarn (KOMPASS)


A-6/18 Ageing in Norwegian rural and urban communities

Health and wellbeing

R-7/17 Overvekt blant bygdebarn – årsaker og forebygging. En forprosjektrapport

Senior man with her caregiver at home

Farm-based day care services for people with dementia: quality development through interdisciplinary collaboration

Health and wellbeing

Health in Valdres

Business development and bioeconomy

Safety culture, occupational health and accidents in Norwegian agriculture – analysis of state and future challenges – Ulykker i landbruket

Health and wellbeing

R-9/16 Frivillighetens plass i distriktskommuners eldreomsorg. En forprosjektrapport

Agriculture and business development

R-3/16 Ikke en bonde å miste – om ulykker og arbeidsevne i landbruket

Business development and bioeconomy

A-7/16 Farm-Related Concerns and Mental Health Status Among Norwegian Farmers

Business development and bioeconomy

A-6/16 Predictors of mental complaints among Norwegian male farmers

Health and wellbeing

A-14/14 Når postnummeret har betydning for overvekt

Health and wellbeing

A-10/13 Physical activity among Norwegian adolescents- a multilevel analysis of how place of residence is associated with health behavior. The Young-HUNT Study