Landskap i Norge Foto: Colourbox

Landscape and nature

Climate and Resource Management / Landscape and nature

Latest about Landscape and nature


Grassland conservation across European landscapes protecting biodiversity and ecosystem services with ecological networks

Business development and bioeconomy

A-15/23 Landscape Democracy and the Implementation of Renewable Energy Facilities

Vindpark på Fosen Foto: Henrikke Sæthre Ellingsen

National Day in the Shadow of Fosen

Climate management and measures

N-7/22 Demokratiske planleggingsprosesser for fornybare energisystemer i Norge – en oversikt over identifiserte samfunnstiltak


A-11/21 The promised land? Exploring the future visions and narrative silences of cellular agriculture in news and industry media

Landscape and nature

A-12/18 The beat of the mountain: a transdisciplinary rhythmanalysis of temporal landscapes


R-1/19 Bønders opplevelse av spredte jordbruksarealer. Resultater fra en spørreundersøkelse


A-7/18 Farmland conversion to fight climate change? Resource hierarchies, discursive power and ulterior motives in land use politics

Climate and Resource Management

R-3/18 Lokalbefolkningen rundt Dovrefjell og Sunndalsfjella – Betydningen av fjellet og holdninger til forvaltningen

Pixelated EU
Agriculture and business development

SALSA: Small Farms, Small Food Businesses and Sustainable Food Security


(Recruit) Recruitment as a condition for value creation – impacts of fisheries restructuring and internationalization on fisheries employment networks


CAPTURE+: Sustainable biochar systems for a zero emission society – CAPTURE+: bærekraftige biokullsystemer for et nullutslippsamfunn

Agriculture and business development

“The outfields” – between primary production, resource for development and environmental good

Agriculture and business development

– Landbruk21Trøndelag

Agriculture and business development

Grazing resources, large carnivores and local communities – LOCAL CARNIVORE – Beiteressurs, rovdyr og lokalsamfunn

Gjengrodd lokalsamfunn
Business development and bioeconomy

Transformation of recent forest on abandoned agricultural land for the benefit of biodiversity, ecosystem services and green solutions

Blue Crowd Funding Button on Keyboard
Agriculture and business development

Local crowdfunding for a low-emission society: Investigating the concept of local climate crowdfunding for Norway (COOLCROWD)

Agriculture and business development

BIOSMART: Managing the transition to a “smart” bioeconomy

Agriculture and business development

BIOTOUR: From place-based natural resources to value-added experiences: Tourism in the new bio-economy

Senior man with her caregiver at home

Farm-based day care services for people with dementia: quality development through interdisciplinary collaboration

Climate and Resource Management

Cultural landscapes of tourism and hospitality (CULTOUR) – CULTOUR: Reiseliv og kulturlandskap: kjennetegn, forvaltning og opplevelser

Agriculture and business development

Frogs, fuel, finance or food? Cultures, values, ethics, arguments and justifications in the management of agricultural land (FORFOOD)

Agriculture and business development

NEWPATH: New Pathways to a low carbon society: exploring the beef/dairy system as a ‘community of interest’

Animal welfare

Endringsstudier i Snøhettaområdet 2014-2017: Villrein, ferdsel og forvaltning – Endringsstudier i Snøhettaområdet 2014-2017: Villrein, ferdsel og forvaltning

Business development and bioeconomy

– Forstudie strategisk næringsplan – Tydal

Business development and bioeconomy

Climate change effects on Western Norway Agriculture – Vestlandslandbruket og den doble klimapåvirkningen

Climate and Resource Management

Cultivation of new land – Grunnlag for prioritering av områder for nydyrking

Business development and bioeconomy

Agriculture’s role as upholder of cultural heritage – Landbrukets rolle som kulturbærer – norsk kunnskapsstatus. Forprosjekt

Business development and bioeconomy

Maintenance of Local Grazing Resources – BeiteRessurs

Landscape and nature

Extension service in future for farmers – Fremtidens rådgiving: Innspill til fremtidens rådgivingsbehov for bonden