Refined forage legumes as local sources of protein feed for monogastrics and high quality fibre feed for ruminants in organic production
The ProRefine project aims to establish knowledge about how to develop local food systems in organic animal production.

This will include knowledge about forage legume production, techniques for fractionation and preservation of the crops, economic and environmental impacts, and farmers’ attitudes and willingness towards self-sufficiency and to cooperation in more sustainable food systems. This will be done by means of field trials, plant growth modelling, animal feeding experiments and sustainability assessment by partners from five European countries and Turkey. The new knowledge can help the organic agricultural sector to reduce the amount of imported feeds in Europe by increased utilisation of regional biological resources through novel technological solutions and improved cooperation between farmers.
Project details
Project leaders
External project coordinator
Project period
01/05/2018 - 01/03/2021
Collaboration partners
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Department for Grassland and Livestock (NIBIO)
Institute for Rural and Regional Research (RURALIS), Norway
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden (SLU)
Arhus University, Department of Animal Science and Department of Engineering (AU), Denmark
French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)
TRUST’ING, Industry partner, France
Catholic University of the Holy Heart, Institute of Zootechnics, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment Science (UCATT), Italy
International Agricultural Research and Training Center (IARTC), Turkey
EU cofounded transnational research call. CORE Organic Cofound. ERA-net og Norsk Forskningsråd
Self-sufficiency in feed – views of stakeholders
Through focus group meetings with actors in the value chains for meat and milk production in Norway and…
- Article
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