
Latest about Bioeconomy


Manure gases and the risk for accidents in Norwegian agriculture


SkillsRoad: analyzing mismatches between skills and regional economic development plans


A-16/23 Breaking wind: A comparison between U.S. and European approaches in offshore wind energy leadership in the North Atlantic region

Animal welfare

Welfarm: Improving animal welfare regulatory compliance in dairy and pig farming


Socio-economic Empowerment of coastal communities as users of the sea to ensure sustainable coastal development (EmpowerUs)

Kystsamfunn utenfor Ålesund

Building Resilient Blue Places? The importance of Equity and Blue Space in Assembling a Blue Economy in the context of Climate Change (BLUEPLACES)

Agriculture and business development

R-6/22 Trender i norsk landbruk 2022. Regional rapport for Møre og Romsdal


Increase in local contributions in value chains for use and reuse of wood in buildings and interiors – pre-project

Agriculture and business development

A-23/21 Farmers’ interest in crowdfunding to finance climate change mitigation practices


R-6/17 Skogeierrettet oppsøkende virksomhet i kystskogfylkene – en dokumentstudie


A-3/17 Visions and expectations for the Norwegian bioeconomy

Agriculture and business development

BIOTOUR: From place-based natural resources to value-added experiences: Tourism in the new bio-economy