
Climate management and measures

Business development and bioeconomy / Climate management and measures

Latest about Climate management and measures

Business Development

Creating, Optimizing and Planning Positive EneRgy districts: connecting citizens’ energy at different geographical levels

Climate and Resource Management

RESTORE: Restoration of ecosystem functioning and biodiversity in semi-natural habitats under high pressure


Agrisocial: Towards a socially sustainable green transition for agriculture and rural communities

Agriculture and business development

New project researches climate-neutral agriculture in the EU

Business development and bioeconomy

N-1/23 Towards a cellular food future: Final recommendations from the Protein 2.0 project to Norwegian policy makers and food system actors

Climate management and measures

N-7/22 Demokratiske planleggingsprosesser for fornybare energisystemer i Norge – en oversikt over identifiserte samfunnstiltak


R-11/22 Helse, miljø og sikkerhet i reindrift. Funn fra kartlegging blant reindriftsutøvere

Climate management and measures

A-16/22 Promoting climate change mitigation in agriculture: do we need to account for family farm life-cycle?

Climate management and measures

A-15/22 Climate considerations aside: What really matters for farmers in their implementation of climate mitigation measures

Agriculture and business development

R-10/22 Trender i norsk landbruk 2022. En nasjonal spørreundersøkelse blant bønder i Norge

Kyr på beite

DairyMix: Multi-criteria assessment, decision support and management tools for sustainable circular mixed farming systems for dairy production

Climate management and measures

R-7/22 Funn fra en kvalitativ studie om bønders gjennomføring av klimatiltak