
Latest about Competence


Agriculture is becoming increasingly complex: Improved advice can be part of the solution

International Women's Day on 8th March 2024

International Women’s Day on 8th March 2024

Agriculture and business development

Recruitment of workers to farm relief service


R-13/22 Tilrettelegging for reduserte klimagassutslipp på norske gårder

Agriculture and business development

A-11/22 Social integration mechanisms to strengthen absorptive capacity in agricultural advisory service organisations

Business development and bioeconomy

Knowledge and learning from AgriLink to actors in the Norwegian AKIS (Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation System)


N-3/21 En begynnende kartlegging av kunnskaps- og kompetansesystemet for skogbruk i Trøndelag i 2018

Agriculture and business development

To develop agricultural advice with a long-term perspective

Agriculture and business development

A-12/21 Disentangling critical success factors and principles of on-farm agricultural demonstration events


R-11/19 Mental helse blant unge bønder

Bonde med nettbrett
Business development and bioeconomy

FAIRshare: Digital tools for farm advisors

4th AgriLink consortium meeting

AgriLink 4th Consortium Meeting – AgriLink’s potential impact is now becoming apparent

Agriculture and business development

R-10/18 Case studies of farm demonstration in Norway report 2: Promoting berry production in plastic tunnels

Agriculture and business development

R-9/18 Case studies of farm demonstration in Norway report 1: Promoting optimal soil culture

Agriculture and business development

R-1/18 Rådgivning i landbruket – en casestudie

Bonde med nettbrett

Launch of major new EU project to explore digital technologies for farm advisors

Agriculture and business development

A-4/18 The importance of the advisor’s relational and professional competence and formal power in meetings with farmers

Renate deltar på idedugnad
Agriculture and business development

Living lab