
Climate management and measures

Business development and bioeconomy / Climate management and measures

Latest about Climate management and measures

Business Development

Creating, Optimizing and Planning Positive EneRgy districts: connecting citizens’ energy at different geographical levels

Climate and Resource Management

RESTORE: Restoration of ecosystem functioning and biodiversity in semi-natural habitats under high pressure


Agrisocial: Towards a socially sustainable green transition for agriculture and rural communities

Agriculture and business development

New project researches climate-neutral agriculture in the EU

Business development and bioeconomy

N-1/23 Towards a cellular food future: Final recommendations from the Protein 2.0 project to Norwegian policy makers and food system actors

Climate management and measures

N-7/22 Demokratiske planleggingsprosesser for fornybare energisystemer i Norge – en oversikt over identifiserte samfunnstiltak


R-11/22 Helse, miljø og sikkerhet i reindrift. Funn fra kartlegging blant reindriftsutøvere

Climate management and measures

A-16/22 Promoting climate change mitigation in agriculture: do we need to account for family farm life-cycle?

Climate management and measures

A-15/22 Climate considerations aside: What really matters for farmers in their implementation of climate mitigation measures

Agriculture and business development

R-10/22 Trender i norsk landbruk 2022. En nasjonal spørreundersøkelse blant bønder i Norge

Kyr på beite

DairyMix: Multi-criteria assessment, decision support and management tools for sustainable circular mixed farming systems for dairy production

Climate management and measures

R-7/22 Funn fra en kvalitativ studie om bønders gjennomføring av klimatiltak

SusFeed full logo
Agriculture and business development

Kick-off for the development of new solutions in the feeding system

Business development and bioeconomy

COOLCROWD 2.0: Testing of a local crowdfunding concept for financing climate mitigation measures in Norwegian agriculture

Agriculture and business development

A-23/21 Farmers’ interest in crowdfunding to finance climate change mitigation practices

Climate management and measures

A-16/21 Crowdfunding for climate change: Exploring the use of climate frames by environmental entrepreneurs


N-1/21 Økonomiske virkemidler i norsk jordbruk for å oppnå lavere utslipp av klimagasser, redusert kjøttforbruk, stabil matproduksjon og jordbruk over hele landet

Business development and bioeconomy

Sustainable Food Systems for poverty and hunger alleviation in Low Income Countries

Business development and bioeconomy

PLATON – a PLATform for Open and Nationally accessible climate policy knowledge

Climate management and measures

A-3/21 Path-dependencies in Norwegian dairy and beef farming communities: Implications for climate mitigation

Farmer in wheat field
Agriculture and business development

Agriculture Must Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Agriculture and business development

N-1/20 Smart teknologi i landbruket – kartlegging og modenhetsvurdering

Agriculture and business development

Climplement – How farmers and agricultural actors can implement effective climate solutions

Agriculture and business development

A-6/19 Cultural Lock‐in and Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The Case of Dairy/Beef Farmers in Norway

Agriculture and business development

R-8/19 Mapping of the Business Model Experimentation Process for Coolcrowd

Climate management and measures

Agri-Impact: the Agriculture Policy Decision Support Tool

Climate management and measures

N-1/18 Socio-cultural factors: Opportunities and challenges for crowdfunding climate measures in Norwegian agriculture

Agriculture and business development

B-1/18 Klimasmart landbruk

Agriculture and business development

Solar cookers: Simple technology with huge potential

Agriculture and business development

Technology, society and the bioeconomy