
Local communities

The field of research addresses various perspectives and developments related to Norwegian rural communities.

Research areas within Local communities
Research managers
Maja Farstad

Maja Farstad Senior Researcher +47 918 23 469

Latest about Local communities

Nidelven, Trondheim
Gender, gender equality and integration

We have now set the timetable for the BluePlaces project


Climate Smart Management for Resilient European Cropping Systems


A-16/23 Breaking wind: A comparison between U.S. and European approaches in offshore wind energy leadership in the North Atlantic region


Agrisocial: Towards a socially sustainable green transition for agriculture and rural communities

Local communities

Rural reawakening in Norway


Climate Smart Management for Resilient European Cropping Systems


A-6/23 Towards gender inclusivity and equality in small-scale fisheries

Kvinnebonde med høner
Agriculture and business development

To succeed in restructuring in the districts, what does gender have to say?

Vindpark på Fosen Foto: Henrikke Sæthre Ellingsen

National Day in the Shadow of Fosen


A-20/22 Crowdfunding of GHG mitigation measures in agriculture: A feasible contribution to the climate challenges? Sociocultural constraints and enablers in Norway


R-13/22 Tilrettelegging for reduserte klimagassutslipp på norske gårder

Climate management and measures

N-7/22 Demokratiske planleggingsprosesser for fornybare energisystemer i Norge – en oversikt over identifiserte samfunnstiltak


R-11/22 Helse, miljø og sikkerhet i reindrift. Funn fra kartlegging blant reindriftsutøvere


R-12/22 Såret i Bygda – En kvalitativ studie av opplevelsen av demokratiske prosesser ved utbygging av vindkraft

Local communities

Light in abandoned houses


Socio-economic Empowerment of coastal communities as users of the sea to ensure sustainable coastal development (EmpowerUs)

Kystsamfunn utenfor Ålesund

Building Resilient Blue Places? The importance of Equity and Blue Space in Assembling a Blue Economy in the context of Climate Change (BLUEPLACES)


N-4/22 Forslag til tiltak for mer bruk av lauvtre i bygg og mer gjenbruk av tre (forstudie)

Local communities

R-8/21 Lokalsamfunnsundersøkelsen 2021. Dokumentasjonsrapport med frekvenser

Climate and Resource Management

N-2/22 Refleksjoner om ressurser «in the making» i naturbasert turisme


R-4/22 Covid-19: Erfaringer og konsekvenser for små naturbaserte reiselivsbedrifter

Health and wellbeing

R-3/22 Kommunetilpasset forebygging og behandling – Overvekt og fedme blant bygdebarn. Sluttrapport

Business development and bioeconomy

N-1/22 Nature-based tourism and community resilience: Framework and application with a firm perspective

Business development and bioeconomy

Nordic conference for rural research: Finland, Spring 2022

Immigration, Inclusion and Integration

A-31/21 Local Integration as Durable Solution? Negotiating Socioeconomic Spaces between refugees and Host Communities in Rural Northern Uganda

Local communities

A-29/21 Social transparency in rural areas in Norway: Promoting or restraining the desire to stay?


Sisters in the Arctic Blue – Advancing a Gender Perspective in Arctic Marine and Coastal Social Science Research


Drug and addiction problems in agriculture, prevention, and treatment

Health and wellbeing

A-20/21 Overweight and obesity among children in rural areas: The importance of culture

Development research

COVID-19 intensifies hunger among refugees


MAIs – Women farmers in the inner territories

Forside "Researching People and the Sea"

New book reflects on researching people and the sea


Inclusion, social justice and equity in urban and rural coastal communities

Business development and bioeconomy

CIVIC Renewables: Development of collaborative approaches to civic renewable energy for sustainable rural development and land use


A-3/20 What counts or what can be counted? Rationalization of knowledge as means to power

Local communities

R-1/20 Innsikt fra Ungdommenes distriktspanel