Agriculture and business development

Business development and bioeconomy / Agriculture and business development

Latest about Agriculture and business development

Agriculture and business development

Opptrapping i jordbruket – Ei ny retning for å betre svara opp dei landbrukspolitiske måla

Agriculture and business development

Funding Future Welfare: Bioeconomy as the «New Oil» and the Sharing of Benefits from Natural Resources (BioShare)

Agriculture and business development

Recruitment of workers to farm relief service

Kvinnebonde med høner
Agriculture and business development

To succeed in restructuring in the districts, what does gender have to say?

Agriculture and business development

New project researches climate-neutral agriculture in the EU

Agriculture and business development

A-13/22 Critical support for different stages of innovation in agriculture: What, when, how?

Agriculture and business development

R-10/22 Trender i norsk landbruk 2022. En nasjonal spørreundersøkelse blant bønder i Norge

Agriculture and business development

A-11/22 Social integration mechanisms to strengthen absorptive capacity in agricultural advisory service organisations

Agriculture and business development

N-3/22 Hvordan øke selvforsyningsgraden i norsk jordbruk?

Agriculture and business development

R-6/22 Trender i norsk landbruk 2022. Regional rapport for Møre og Romsdal

Agriculture and business development

The Grain, the War and our Food Security

Agriculture and business development

Artificial meat as a mirror of society

Agrirobot Thorvald
Agriculture and business development

Now you can test whether new technology is ready to be used

SusFeed full logo
Agriculture and business development

Kick-off for the development of new solutions in the feeding system

Grisunger i binge
Agriculture and business development

What do we do with resistant bacteria in agriculture?

Agriculture and business development

N-2/21 Samarbeid om vekstskifte i jordbruket

Agriculture and business development

Organic farming Møre og Romsdal county

Agriculture and business development

R-4/21 Evaluering av Grønn Forskning i Midt-Norge

Agriculture and business development

To develop agricultural advice with a long-term perspective

Agriculture and business development

A-24/21 Balanced readiness level assessment (BRLa): A tool for exploring new and emerging technologies

Agriculture and business development

A-23/21 Farmers’ interest in crowdfunding to finance climate change mitigation practices

Agriculture and business development

A-14/21 Compressed growth: The transforming power of the round bale technology

Agriculture and business development

A-12/21 Disentangling critical success factors and principles of on-farm agricultural demonstration events

Farmer in wheat field
Agriculture and business development

Agriculture Must Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Agriculture and business development

N-1/20 Smart teknologi i landbruket – kartlegging og modenhetsvurdering

Agriculture and business development

Climplement – How farmers and agricultural actors can implement effective climate solutions

Agriculture and business development

A-11/19 The Role of Social Capital in Agricultural and Rural Development:Lessons Learnt from Case Studies in Seven Countries

Agriculture and business development

A-8/19 The failure of early demonstration agriculture on 19th Century model/pattern farms: lessons for contemporary demonstration

Agriculture and business development

A-6/19 Cultural Lock‐in and Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The Case of Dairy/Beef Farmers in Norway

Agriculture and business development

A-3/19 Agriculture into the Future: New Technology, New Organisation and New Occupational Health and Safety Risks?

Agriculture and business development

R-10/19 Den regionale arbeidsdelingen i landbruket og kanaliseringspolitikken mellom 1990 og 2017

Agriculture and business development

R-8/19 Mapping of the Business Model Experimentation Process for Coolcrowd

Bina Agarwal
Agriculture and business development

Gender equality important for food security

Agriculture and business development

Liquid fuels consumption in Norwegian agriculture and forestry

Agriculture and business development

Contest: We are looking for farmers, foresters and agri-food initiatives with a success story to share!

Agriculture and business development

R-10/18 Case studies of farm demonstration in Norway report 2: Promoting berry production in plastic tunnels

Agriculture and business development

R-9/18 Case studies of farm demonstration in Norway report 1: Promoting optimal soil culture

Agriculture and business development

R-1/18 Rådgivning i landbruket – en casestudie

Agriculture and business development

Agriculture and farmers in transition – between economics, political changes and green trends

Agriculture and business development

R-7/18 Trender i norsk landbruk 2018. Et landbruk i endring

Agriculture and business development

A-4/18 The importance of the advisor’s relational and professional competence and formal power in meetings with farmers

Agriculture and business development

A-2/18 Facilitating integrated agricultural technology development through participatory research

Agriculture and business development

B-1/18 Klimasmart landbruk

Agriculture and business development

A-18/17 It’s Not Always about Growth! Development Dynamics and Management in Food Businesses and Chains

Agriculture and business development

Solar cookers: Simple technology with huge potential

Agriculture and business development

Those with lowest expectations needs more involvement

Renate deltar på idedugnad
Agriculture and business development

Living lab

Agriculture and business development

Technology, society and the bioeconomy

Agriculture and business development

R-2/18 Kompetanse og rådgiving i jordbruket: Kunnskapsoversikt, aktuelle problemstillinger og analytiske perspektiver for studier av bønders kompetanse som samspill mellom bønder, rådgiving og forskning

Agriculture drone
Agriculture and business development

SmaT – Smart technology for sustainable agriculture

Agriculture and business development

R-5/17 Investeringer i landbruket. En evaluering av de fylkesvise bygdeutviklingsmidlenes effekt og måloppnåelse

Agriculture and business development

New Book: Transforming The Rural

Agriculture and business development

News from Local Carnivore

Agriculture and business development

A-16/17 Agricultural modernization and sustainable agriculture: contradictions and complementarities

Agriculture and business development

A-8/17 Quality as a competitive advantage for the rural food industry

Agriculture and business development

NIBIO BOK | VOL. 03/17 Scenarioer for norsk landbruksproduksjon

Agriculture and business development

Faktaark-2/17 En større andel av bøndene har hatt positiv økonomisk utvikling på sine bruk

Agriculture and business development

Traders in the food value chain: Firm size and international food distribution

Pixelated EU
Agriculture and business development

SALSA: Small Farms, Small Food Businesses and Sustainable Food Security

Agriculture and business development

PLAID: Peer-to-peer Learning – Accessing Innovation through Demonstration

Agriculture and business development

Agropro. Agronomy for increased food production. Challenges and solutions

bygdesamfunn EPS 2009
Agriculture and business development

LANDFRAG Land fragmentation in agriculture—causes, consequences and measures

Agriculture and business development

“The outfields” – between primary production, resource for development and environmental good

Agriculture and business development

– Landbruk21Trøndelag

Agriculture and business development

Grazing resources, large carnivores and local communities – LOCAL CARNIVORE – Beiteressurs, rovdyr og lokalsamfunn

Agriculture and business development

Farm subsidies and the achievement of political goals for the agricultural sector

Blue Crowd Funding Button on Keyboard
Agriculture and business development

Local crowdfunding for a low-emission society: Investigating the concept of local climate crowdfunding for Norway (COOLCROWD)

Agriculture and business development

Realisation of animal welfare goals in Norway’s food sector (ANIWEL)

Agriculture and business development

Robotic Milking AMS – New approaches for management and breeding of dairy cows, in automatic milking systems (AMS)

Agriculture and business development

Improving farmers’ competence by more efficient interaction between farmer, advisory services and research (COMPETENT FARMER)

Agriculture and business development

– Etterprøving Blåtind og Mauken skyte- og øvingsfelt

Agriculture and business development

BIOSMART: Managing the transition to a “smart” bioeconomy

Agriculture and business development

NEWPATH: New Pathways to a low carbon society: exploring the beef/dairy system as a ‘community of interest’

Agriculture and business development

Frogs, fuel, finance or food? Cultures, values, ethics, arguments and justifications in the management of agricultural land (FORFOOD)

Senior man with her caregiver at home

Farm-based day care services for people with dementia: quality development through interdisciplinary collaboration

Agriculture and business development

BIOTOUR: From place-based natural resources to value-added experiences: Tourism in the new bio-economy

Agriculture and business development

Challenges for succession in family farms and small family firms in rural areas

Agriculture and business development

The creative farmer – Den kreative trønderbonden

Agriculture and business development

– Produksjon, distribusjon og forbruk av økologiske matvarer

Agriculture and business development

R-7/16 Trender i norsk landbruk 2016. Rogaland

Agriculture and business development

R-6/16 Trender i norsk landbruk 2016. Møre og Romsdal

Agriculture and business development

R-5/16 Trender i norsk landbruk 2016. Frekvensrapport

Agriculture and business development

R-4/16 Fôrproduksjon, strukturutvikling og landbrukspolitikk

Agriculture and business development

R-3/16 Ikke en bonde å miste – om ulykker og arbeidsevne i landbruket

Agriculture and business development

Faktaark-1/16 Biokull som klimatiltak i norsk landbruk

Agriculture and business development

A-22/16 Environment and Resources: New and Old Questions for Rural Landscapes

Agriculture and business development

A-2/16 Food as attraction: connections between a hotel and suppliers of specialty food

Agriculture and business development

A-17/16 Kan bønders praksisfellesskap være lokalsamfunn? – En refleksjon

Agriculture and business development

A-11/16 Søkelys på glokaliseringsprosessar i Frøya og Midtre Gauldal

Agriculture and business development

A-1/16 Den norske landbrukssosiologien. Historisk påvirkning i nåtidig forskning på familiejordbruket

Agriculture and business development

A-36/15 Food Security, Food Sovereignty, and the Nation-State: Historicizing Norwegian Farmland Policy

Agriculture and business development

A-35/15 Kyllingens politiske økonomi – et bilde av det framtidige landbruket?

Agriculture and business development

A-33/15 Kontraktsproduksjon – en ny hverdag for grønnsaksprodusenten

Agriculture and business development

A-3/15 The succession/recruitment crisis in European agriculture

Agriculture and business development

A-28/15 Utfordringer i norsk kornproduksjon

Agriculture and business development

A-22/15 Litt Jane og litt Tarzan: Om makt og innflytelse landbrukssamvirkets styrerom